Printing Tips from Biscom

To print your received faxes to an IP Base Printer, the printer needs to be added to the local machines Device and Printers list as a TCP/IP printer. Add the printer to the local list as like adding any printer.

  1. Add Printer
    1. Add Printer using TCP/IP
  2. Printer IP
    1. Enter IP Address
  3. Printer Name
    1. Give the Printer a Name
  4. Comment and Share
    1. Configure and comment as you like
  5. Device and Printers General and Port Properties
    1. Right click on new printer and select “Printer Properties”. General Tab and Ports Tab will show printer details.
  6. Routes and User List
    1. Add Printer in Route and User List
    2. Printer Name will be the Name of the Printer in the General Screen
    3. Print Server will be localhost since it was a local added TCP/IP Printer
    4. Route ID to be given

    Receive format by default will be PC0. Might need to be changed depending on the printer.