What Is Biscom Job Tracking?

  • An application that makes it easy to track faxes throughout an Enterprise
  • It collects the information from sent and received faxes and stores the data in SQL
  • The web-based Job Track Reporter includes 20 standard reports that you can customize and save

Technical Specifications of the Job Tracking Server

  • MS SQL Server 2008 or newer with a database created for the Job Tracking service to use
  • A separate Windows Server 2008 system on which to run the Job Tracking service, with:
    • At least 10GB of free space for the database file, given that each job occupies approximately 4KB in the database. (This only applies if you opt to use SQL Express)
    • Network visibility to the participating FAXCOM Server(s) as well as the system(s) running the FaxcomQ service
    • For the Job Tracking Reporter Web server, MS IIS
    • For the Job Tracking Reporter Web client, Internet Explorer version 6.X or higher, any Mozilla-compatible, Chrome browser

Types of Job Tracking Reports

  • 20 standard reports that you can customize, save, and share
    • Export the results into a delimited file
    • Reports are customized by selecting parameters you want to search on and providing a value to match.

Setting up and using the optional Biscom Job Tracking feature is straightforward and the application information provided is essential for any fax operations management team. To learn more call us at 978-250-1800, or email [email protected], or contact your account executive directly.

Technical Parameters For Setting Up Job Tracking Reports


Controls what information is shown in the report for every row of information gathered by the criteria


Narrows what information is returned per row


Controls what specific rows are returned by the Criteria– Parameter values are used in the Criteria

Order By

Controls what order is the information applied to the report

Group By

Controls what to group for each row that is returned

Looking for more information?

Email us today to speak with one of our specialists.